Patternalia Statement

The work Eryngium bourgatii was based on this plant, commonly called the Sea Holly.

The work Eryngium bourgatii was based on this plant, commonly called the Sea Holly.

sea holly painting2.jpg


There is an underlying structure to everything.

I see the structure, the armature, the exquisite geometry of natural things everywhere. Iā€™m sure you see it too. It can be mesmerizing when nature abides by rules of mathematics. And what I like to indulge in is pulling that geometry apart and re-ordering it, re-forming it to create a design that pleases me.

I often feel like a 19th century botanist, inspecting my specimens, creating my collection. But I also feel like a musician, looking for that warm sound, trying to evoke an emotion, trying to decide if what I see is pleasing or dissonant.

The effect is not some amalgam of the science fiction variety. The effect is graphic. Shapes become simplified. Ideas about the essential character distilled and made bold. Then repeated, because once the blueprint has been made, it is incredibly satisfying to create a field, a pattern, a waterfall of the designs and let them shape the flat panels of copper and birch.